Outreach & Mission

Below are just a few examples of some of our favorite annual mission activities. Reach out to our office to learn more.


Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger

In the spring many from St. Paul's participate in the walk for hunger. The Youth Group always has a strong contingent. To learn more about Project Bread, please visit their website here.

Annual Winter Sock Drive

Each winter, the St. Paul’s youth group leads an initiative to collect new, warm socks to support the ministry of the Outdoor Church of Cambridge. We spend several weeks in January collecting socks, after which our youth group takes them to Cambridge to distribute to our unhoused neighbors.


B-Safe / B-Ready

Spearheaded by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church and serving Boston’s inner city children and youth, B-SAFE is a 6-week summer day camp and B-READY is an after-school program during the school year. Every summer, St. Paul’s provides lunches, snacks, and reads books to day camp children and accompanies them on a field trip. School supplies are gathered each fall for the B-READY program.


Mission Sundays

Throughout the year, congregants gather to support local, national, and international organizations such as NuDay Syria (collected shoes, clothing, sleeping bags and blankets); Common Cathedral (made sandwiches to share with our homeless friends in Boston); Prison Ministry (purchased and packaged books for prison inmates); Mil Milagros (collected 1,000+ toothbrushes for children in Guatemala).

Mother’s Day Walk for Peace

Each year on Mother’s Day, St. Paul’s shows its support for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute's Mother's Day Walk for Peace. We gather a team of walkers and set a fundraising goal to help victims and survivors of violence, their families, and neighbors. To learn more about the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, please visit their website here.