The Mission of St. Paul’s
“To be a place in this world where all can experience the fullness of Christ's love and learn to follow the Two Great Commandments: to love God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength; and to love our neighbor as ourselves.”
Brookline’s Newest & Oldest Church
Our parish is:
Inclusive: A progressive faith community welcoming people of all backgrounds.
Educational: A robust church school program, an active high school youth group and adult educational programs.
Musical: The power of music is celebrated through congregational singing, choral anthems, and our children's music programs.
Accessible: A bright worship space available to all.
Compassionate: Founded the Brookline Food Pantry and committed to contributing 10% of our church income to ministries outside the parish.
Committed: Involved in local and global ministries.
We hope you will want to join us in some way. St. Paul’s has much to share and we welcome what you can bring to our community. Perhaps one of our parishioners expressed it best when he wrote:
St. Paul’s allows you to be yourself, whether you wish to join the dozens of available activities or simply worship with us and go your way. There is room here for the individual, the activist, and the thinker / questioner. Faith and love abound!
St. Paul’s is a member of the Diocese of Massachusetts and the Episcopal Church.
Among us are parishioners from around the corner and around the world, representing a wide range of professional, economic, and educational backgrounds. Our parish family includes grandparents, single adults, teenagers, and couples, with children and without. We celebrate our diversity and strive to learn from each other while worshiping together.
Now Powered (partially) by Solar
St. Paul's stepped into the photovoltaic era in March 2012. After installing solar (heating) panels on the Aspinwall Street side of the sanctuary thirty years ago, St. Paul's installed in March 2012 a 9.87 kilowatt array of photovoltaic (PV) panels on the parish house roof. This system has reduced our use of and dependence on fossil fuels to generate electricity and supports our commitment to improve our environmental stewardship.
Our parish was founded in 1849 by Brookline residents who engaged Richard Upjohn to design the graceful Gothic Revival structure that dominates the corner of St. Paul Street and Aspinwall Avenue.
A 1976 fire devastated the sanctuary, leaving only its exterior walls.
In reconstructing the church, architect Brett Donham blended elements of twentieth century design, including solar heat, with the beauty of the old structure. The contrasts in the building reflect the interesting diversity within the congregation.
New interior with light, contemporary design.