Social Justice Ministries

Our commitment to social justice work at Saint Paul’s begins with our Baptismal Covenant and promises we make.  It is not so much a “program” we do but a central mandate we are given as followers of Jesus Christ.

In an effort to support members of St. Paul’s in their own desire to take on social justice work and to support the community as a whole in our shared work, we have gathered resources that members of St. Paul’s have found particularly helpful.  This is not meant to be comprehensive, but a place to start. 

St. Paul’s Programs and Ministries

  • Greater Boston Interfaith Organization - This group brings faith to specific social issues and social issues to the faith. Meetings are open to all and range from education, organization, to social action. Local housing conditions is a special focus of our group currently, but other pressing issues such at health care, poverty, and anti-racism have received special consideration previously.

  • MOP (Ministry Outside the Parish) - meets throughout the year to provide cash grants to non-profit organizations outside of St. Paul’s

  • Ministry Outside the Parish Speaker Series

  • Prison Ministry - provide supports to those who are incarcerated

  • Sacred Ground

  • Annual Winter Sock Drive - Each winter, the St. Paul’s youth group leads an initiative to collect new, warm socks to support the ministry of the Outdoor Church of Cambridge. We spend several weeks in January collecting socks, after which our youth group takes them to Cambridge to distribute to our unhoused neighbors.

Community and Churchwide Organizations

  • B-Safe - St. Paul’s provides meals to this summer camp program for at-risk youth in Roxbury, in partnership with St. Augustine’s and St. Martins Episcopal Churches

  • Brookline Interfaith Clergy Association

  • MLK Sunday Celebration